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Karaoke Songbook App

Did you have an experience  wherein you wanted to sing in a karaoke machine, but you weren’t able to, because your friend were very busy selecting their song from the songbook? If so, welcome to the club! Don’t worry because I have found an alternative way to solve this karaoke party problem.
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you, that aside from the traditional manual songbook, there is now a digital one! Hooray! A very nice work by the developers out there! We will not worry about searching and finding our favorite song in our karaoke when the manual songbook is nowhere to found or within the hands of our dear friends. Hassle free right?

One of the most popular karaoke brand machines and equipment for sale provider in UAE, neighboring countries in the middle eastern gulf, and in the Philippines also is the MediaCom Karaoke. Aside from that, they are also known in other parts of the globe because of their international shipping capability.

Little is known to others, that this karaoke has now a digital songbook app! That is just an amazing leap from manual songbook to a digital one. Because they can’t be left behind with the advancement of technology, they also develop a mobile friend application to make our karaoke experience more convenient and enjoyable.

Now, go and get your smart phone and navigate to Android Market or Google Play Store.  

Once you log on to your Play Store, search for the term “MediaCom Songbook” to see their app. Or you can just follow the link directly.

MediaCom on Play Store 

Select and install the MediaCom Songbook App. Make sure to enable the “Unknown Sources” Option in the application setting menu.

Install the application and launch it to see your favorite songs.

MediaCom Songbook App
MediaCom Songbook App
This the splash image or app launch background for the great app, check your logo as you start.
The application will not run properly, however, except if you will register for him.

MediaCom Registration
Upon your registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing the validation code that you will enter in the application activation. I don’t know why do they have to have that kind of confirmation. Although some app doesn’t require that type of registration because it is not an online application. By the way, Once you got to enter the verification code, the app is good to use.

MediaCom Validation

MediaCom Validation Done

After that process, you are now free to use the digital songbook with cool features! One of them is selecting the karaoke version you use, or the model series. You can select three major series, the 2040+, Sp Porto, and the TW6200. Just chose the one that is compatible with your karaoke machine. Otherwise, the songs may not be available.

Mediacom Device Selector

When you are choosing the device type, you can now freely choose what language of songs you need or want to use. Here is the list of featured languages: English, Tagalog, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Bhajan, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada,Konkani, Malayalam, Sinhala, Tamil, and Telugu.

Mediacom Language Selector

You can switch between those languages to select your best song choice to sing. The bad thing about this part of the app is you have to start from selecting the device first before switching to another language. Time consuming isn’t it?

A nice way to search for songs is by using either the song title, or by the artist name. Just type it in the search bar.

Song Artist and Title Search

Just enter the number on the right side of the song title on your MediaCom Karaoke and start singing! This is a very simple way of outsmarting your friends that don’t want to hand over the songbook to others.

This is just the perfect app for all the karaoke lovers out there. You can also get some karaoke offers from this app when you are going to close or exit, you may or may not grab that offer. It’s up to you anyway.
Mediacom Exit Window
That’s it folks! I hope this app review will be a great help for all the MediaCom Lovers! Happy Singing!

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